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Creating a Sidecar Configuration

Configurations are a set of settings that will be assigned to Sidecar clients. If a change is made to a configuration, Graylog will automatically update the client with the changes.

  1. Log into the Graybar Control Panel.
  2. On the top navigation bar, click System, then click Sidecars.
  3. In the upper right-hand corner, click Configuration.
  4. Under Configurations, click Create Configuration.
  5. Give a name to the Configuration
    1. Best practice would be to decide on a naming convention. Something like Windows-Server or Windows: Workstation.
  6. Set the Configuration Color is used to highlight individual configurations. The default color is white.
  7. Under the Collector dropdown, select a Collector.
    1. Make sure to select the Winlogbeat on Windows is you will be using the Windows Sidecar Client as it uses WinLogBeat by default.
  8. Edit the Configuration. Change the IP Address and Port to reflect the Input you created in the Create a Sidecar Client Input page.
  9. Click Create when finished.