Create a Sidecare Client Input
Creating an Input
Inputs enable administrators to set predefined parameters for data collection. Each separate Collector will need it's own Input. Follow the instructions below to create an Input for the Sidecar Client.
- Using the Graylog Control Panel, click System button, located on the top navigation bar.
- Select Inputs.
- From the Inputs dropdown, select the Beats protocol.
- Click the Launch New Input button.
- Unless server separation is needed, check the Global checkbox.
- Enter a name for the Input.
- Change the Bind Address to the Graylog Server IP Address.
- Make note of the Port for future steps. The default port is 5044.
- Leave the port at default and click Save,
Input Failed to Start Error
If you receive an error that the input failed to start, you must verify the Input configuration and most likely change the port. Follow the instructions below to edit the Input configuration.
- From the Inputs screen, find the failed Input and click the More Actions button to the right of it.
- Click Edit Input.
- Verify the IP Address and change the Port and click Save.
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