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Assigning Configuration to a Sidecar Client

Assigning Configuration to a Sidecar Client

After deploying the Sidecar client, you must assign a configuration file to the device. The Sidecar client will keep the device updated with the newest configuration and reduce the need to manually configure the computer.

  1. Open the Graylog Control Panel. On the top navigation bar, click System, then click Sidecars.
  2. A list of all active devices will appear in Overview.
  3. Click the Administration button in the upper right-hand corner.
  4. Find a client to assign configuration to and click the Collection to be used with the device.
    1. Make sure to only select the Winlogbeat if you will be using the Windows Sidecar Client as it uses WinLogBeat by default.
  5. In the upper right-hand corner of the Devices list, click Configure and select the configuration that was created using the Creating a Sidecar Configuration page.
  6. The configuration will now be pushed out to the device.

Collector Errors with Sidecar Clients

Follow the steps below if there are Collector Errors with the Sidecar Client.

  1. Click the Configuration button in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Click the Edit button next to the Configuration that is assigned to the failing Sidecar.
  3. Verify that the Configuration is correct and fix any errors.
  4. Click Update.